Eldridge Delivers State of the County Address Wednesday Night

Putnam County Executive Paul Eldridge will deliver his first, and presumably only, State of the County address Wednesday night in Carmel.
Eldridge will deliver his speech at 7 p.m. at the Putnam County Emergency Operations Center on Old Route 6 in Carmel.
Eldridge will address the need for unfunded mandate relief from New York State and discuss several cost-cutting initiatives, including ways to manage the county’s automotive fleet and the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles, the county executive said Wednesday afternoon.
Eldridge hopes to shoot for a tax freeze or decrease but said there was still uncertainty because the state budget has not yet been passed.
Wednesday’s speech will likely be his only State of the County address; after serving as director of personnel for 33 years, Eldridge was appointed county executive in January to fill the void created when former state senator and county executive-elect Vincent Leibell pleaded guilty to felony corruption charges. Elections for the position will again be held this fall, and Eldridge said he will return to his position as director of personnel rather than seek re-election.
The Emergency Operations Center is located at 112 Old Route 6 in Carmel.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.