Edward Mezger
Obituary Reports the death of an individual, providing an account of the person’s life including their achievements, any controversies in which they were involved, and reminiscences by people who knew them.
Born Jan. 19, 1961, Edward Mezger passed suddenly in the early hours of Monday, Nov. 6.
Edward, endearingly known as “Big Ed,” is survived by his wife of 37 years, Carol; his two children, Corrinne and Edward; and his very loved grandchildren, Bennett and Lillian.
Edward is also survived by his three siblings, Deborah, Michael and Kenny, along with several siblings-in-law, nieces, nephews and close friends.
He dedicated his life to helping others, proudly and humbly proclaiming himself as a 38-year steward of all of those served at Wagon Road Camp.
Although he was a lifelong hunter and fisherman, in recent years he became a key member of the Whortlekill Rod & Gun Club, where he spent countless hours with friends, including his most-favorite company, his two German shorthaired pointers, Kohl and Lincoln.

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