Donna Diana Embodies Qualities to Make Excellent Town Board Member
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
In reply to a letter in the Yorktown News on June 20, I wanted to make a correction to the author’s premise.
In “GOP’s previous criticism of Mirchandani makes Siegel the perfect candidate for the Republicans,” Mirchandani was running for town supervisor. I have stated many times publicly, and have shown by my actions, that volunteer boards and/or the Town Board should be the starting point for someone without municipal experience who wishes to be the town supervisor.
In fact, the first time I ran for office, I had little municipal experience, but I was a resident with fresh ideas. I thought the Town Board was an appropriate starting point for me as I felt that the ideas of the incumbent who was running were detrimental to Yorktown. This was based not only on the one year she served as a councilwoman, winning the seat in a special election, but as her two years that she served as the supervisor. This candidate that the public voted down in favor of me was Susan Siegel. Voters did not have the confidence in her leadership to bring her back.
At a public meeting at Town Hall, one group of residents called her out for promising to vote against the Sober Living Home on Underhill Avenue for their votes, and then voting for the project in the end.
Some of the qualities needed to be a councilperson are listening to the constituents, being able to see and balance multiple point of views, a knowledge of the town and the organizations in the town, honesty, making the decisions that you feel are the best solution for the town and finally an absolute love of Yorktown. These are qualities that Donna Diana embodies. That is why Donna Diana will have my vote on July 23.
Ed Lachterman
Yorktown Supervisor

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