Do We Choose to Live the Hivemind?
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
By Richard Cirulli
When contemplating this year’s New Year’s resolution, we may consider against choosing to live the hivemind.
The hivemind is a collective consciousness in which we share consensus thoughts, emotions and opinions, a phenomenon whereby a group of people act as if a single mind.
We know as adults the need and importance of having a good social network of friends for our emotional well-being, as opposed to living life as a lone wolf.
Taking an existential approach asks the question how as a person we relate to each other and how much influence the hivemind has over us. This will impact how we select and construct our social networks and to discern between a hivemind social network or a healthy and free-thinking social network based on personal free thinking.
We are social creatures in need of acceptance. In our attempts to find acceptance into a social network, some will oftentimes willingly surrender their views and even their beliefs and values in exchange for finding acceptance into the hivemind as opposed to finding a social network that promotes your true self and free-thinking values. That allows for learning and discourse and remaining open-minded with the goal of expanding one’s radius of knowledge and wisdom.
I’m not being a fan of cliches, especially when making a life decision. However, I will inject one just to make a point: Do we want to be merely birds of the same feather that flock together? Or do we choose to be free birds ever spreading our wings to soar above the Hivemind, to expand our radius of knowledge to seek our essence of life?
Achieving one’s essence and to grow intellectually is only possible if we are able to discern between a true social network and a social crutch. Misery truly loves company-dam cliches. Hiveminds come in many forms and disguises.
When we make our New Year’s resolution, we should ask ourselves, will we casually delegate our minds to the hivemind?
Be well. Be safe. Be happy, Be nice! Amor fati!
Dr. Richard Cirulli is a published author, playwright and retired professor. His body of works can be viewed at He looks forward to your comments and can be reached at

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