Diana Well-Positioned to Continue Accomplishing Her Husband’s Goals
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
The important vote small towns have is always the local elections. Every vote cast funnels up to the county, city, state and federal level, but the first vote impacts us on the town level where we have local power. We know the candidates; they know the voters.
Donna Diana is running for the Yorktown Town Board, qualified by having worked to get her husband, Tom, elected to the board multiple times. Under her guidance, he ran for and won the supervisor’s position. She was his campaign manager, confidant, the right hand that always knew what the left hand was doing. Her 10 years’ experience as his “go-to” partner gave her the knowledge of a councilperson during his election as supervisor last November, which unfortunately was brought to a screaming halt three days after his first official Town Board meeting from an apparent massive heart attack.
This brought her life to an unexpected heart-wrenching, traumatic change. Knowing how much Yorktown meant to him and how much he meant to Yorktown, after a long period of consideration, she decided to run for the Town Board to continue his legacy and the goals he started to accomplish with his years of experience that she shared with him.
The local election is a power that we, the voters, have. The candidates know what you want and ask for. They also know the voters have the power to put them in office or remove them next election.
Don’t give that power away. Vote for Donna Diana for Town Board.
Jeanne Troiano
Yorktown Heights

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