EnvironmentGovernmentThe Northern Westchester Examiner

DEC to Hold Session on Cleanup of Peekskill Gas Plant Site

News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

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The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will be holding a virtual public session next week to discuss cleanup plans at a former manufactured gas plant at 189-199 North Water St. in Peekskill.

The session will take place on Wed., Aug. 24 at 7 p.m. Interested parties can join by phone by calling (518) 549-0500 and using access code: 161 001 0404. To view on a computer, the address is: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=e58191305c12af1cc4df4ff9e0f4a9d0c.

Identified by the DEC as the Pemart Avenue MGP Site, several buildings occupy the property, including the former electric generating plant building. Remnants of one of the former gas holders are still visible on the hillside along the eastern part of the site. The gas plant operated from 1899 through 1931, and the electric generating plant operated from 1905 to 1950. After the closure of the gas plant, the site operated as a gas storage station until 1966. The Metro-North Railroad also runs through the property.

The gas manufacturing process involved the heating of coal and petroleum products to produce a gas mixture. Once cooled and purified, the gas was distributed through a local pipeline network. The gas was used for heating and cooking, much like natural gas is used today.

Based upon investigations, the DEC stated the primary contaminant of concern is gas plant-related coal tar and associated compounds that were observed in the soil and groundwater. The contamination also impacted shallow sediments of Peekskill Bay adjacent to the site.

Phase 1 of the remedial action was completed in April, which addressed contamination in upland areas. Phase 2, which is expected to begin in December and be completed in April 2023, will deal with contamination in Peekskill Bay.

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