Current Yorktown Town Board Refuses to Take Action to Rein in ATVs
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
Towns and cities wait for someone to get badly injured or killed before acting to install traffic lights and stop signs. Such is the case in Yorktown where a good Samaritan was nearly killed trying to prevent some ATV riders from chewing up our parkland.
This ATV problem has been the subject of complaints for many years, but the current all-Republican Town Board is nowhere near crafting a law that will correct the problem. We need a supervisor who can get things done. Jann Mirchandani, who is running in the Apr. 16 special election, is that person.
At the Mar. 19 hearing, the courageous man who confronted a group of ATV riders and was allegedly run over spoke passionately about the years of inaction. Our deputy supervisor talks about crime in the county but has failed to protect the safety of the people of Yorktown. Speaker after speaker detailed threats to the safety of those who use our parks and trails.
The proposed tweaks to the current law were done in secret. And as the public comments pointed out, they fall woefully short.
This is a Town Board of excuses. They say the Yorktown Police Department cannot do anything about it. But they have not consulted the police department to come up with solutions. They say it is a lack of parental supervision. If you are going to throw your hands up and say nothing can be done, why have laws? Law enforcement? Lawyers, courts, judges? People break the law all the time. Just watch the evening news. Do we have anarchy or do we try to do something about the problem?
I strongly suggest that the Town Board study the recent letter to the editor from two experts that give a template as to how to craft a law that will stand up to legal scrutiny and avoid litigation.
Meanwhile, I am voting for Jann Mirchandani, a real can-do person. Jann can!
Sheila Schraier
Yorktown Heights

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