Criticism of Trump Fails to Acknowledge His Accomplishments in Office
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
With respect to Ms. Holtzman’s letter in the Mar. 19 edition (“Republicans Must Face Facts That Their Party Reeks of Authoritarianism”), it is my impression that she is not and has never been a Republican. Alternatively, I cannot imagine why she was not and is not impressed by all the Trump administration accomplished during its time in office.
Every presidential nominee of either party should be concerned about the effort to be expended by his party on his behalf and on behalf of others in the party that are running for office. The fact is that the Republican National Committee has been ineffective for years and needs revitalization. Who does she suggest should have taken over, Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney?
As far as Victor Orban is concerned, he is a patriot in and for his country. He wants to preserve his country’s identity, language, economy and cultural history. Does she know or know of anyone in this country that even talks about those things or tries to do anything about them other than Mr. Trump? Those things are important, if not paramount, to tens of millions of citizens in this country, but apparently not to Ms. Holtzman. She may not like him for one or more reasons, but he has only done good things for the country, and that’s what the upcoming election is about.
If you like what we have now and what is going on at the border and with the economy, she should vote for Biden as she probably intended to do when she wrote her letter.
Paul Jaffe

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