Common-Sense Must Be Used in Any Bill Addressing Southern Border
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
When Michael Lawler was elected, he sent out a survey asking what was important to his constituents. I said I wanted a congressman who would work on issues in a bipartisan manner.
Now I receive a daily e-mail from Congressman Lawler worded carefully to show he is moderate on issues.
I have lived long enough and still retain enough memory to remember back to the second President Bush trying to get the Republican Party to address the southern border issues way back in 2001-2009. Even back then and since, we as a nation have not seen any immigration reforms. The situation has gotten so bad that both Republican and Democratic senators last December dropped many issues important to them to pass a bipartisan bill to help correct many of the problems with immigration at the border. This bill has many common-sense solutions such as increasing the judges at the border so that immigrant requests for asylum are heard at the border, not years later after they have melted into American society.
The Republicans in Congress under the leadership of House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote and passed their own immigration bill with no Democrat or independent support or input. Congressman Michael Lawler has joined his other Republicans in not requesting that Mike Johnson start negotiations with the Senate to create a bipartisan bill for our President to sign. Currently, this seems to be the number one issue in people’s minds, but our congressman doesn’t want to be truly bipartisan and give me some solutions to this difficult problem.
I want a representative in Congress who will work on the important issues to his constituents and not just keep telling me daily he is working for me.
Daria Gregg

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