
Climate Change Superfund Act is a Win for All New Yorkers

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Many thanks to Gov. Kathy Hochul for signing the Climate Change Superfund Act into law. It’s high time that big fossil fuel polluters finally be held financially accountable for the damage they’ve caused.

For too long fossil fuel companies have been able to reap billions in profits while leaving the cost of cleaning up their mess as a growing burden on everyday New Yorkers. New York taxpayers have been on the financial hook for all the costs driven by climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions, from fighting wildfires to cleaning up lake-effect snowstorms to rebuilding infrastructure damaged by frequent and severe weather events. And these costs are only becoming more expensive. This fund will support remediating some of the damage they’ve caused.

As a proud New Yorker, I’m heartened that New York continues to be a climate leader, inspiring other states to join in this effort of holding big polluters accountable. My hope is that Gov. Hochul will continue this momentum with a robust Cap and Invest program that will generate even more revenue to help New York transition to a more equitable clean energy future.

New York is in a perfect position to continue being the climate leader at the forefront of these much-needed solutions. It’s time that these programs be implemented.

Christine Arroyo


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