
Civil Rights, Environment Make Frei-Pearson Best for 93rd Assembly District

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Election season 2020 has turned out to be an overwhelmingly complex, ever-evolving matrix of players. There are five Democratic Assembly candidates in the 93rd Assembly District, eight for Congress and New York State will run a primary for a presidential contest that has already – effectively – reached a conclusion. And that’s before mentioning the complications due to the pandemic and normal, cyclical, Election Day, heart palpitation-inducing difficulties.

I have been a homeowner in Westchester County since 2018, and in that time became involved in the local Democratic Committee. Having completed a master’s degree and fellowship in diversity leadership and public administration, worked in disaster recovery since Superstorm Sandy in one form or another and watched aghast as fundamental pillars of democracy are assaulted daily from the federal level, I felt I would be remiss were I not to involve myself.

We are called to task now to make civil rights the salient theme of this election, in close conjunction with environmental justice. Careful observers of both issues will recognize they are all-too-frequently intertwined.

It was in the committee that I came to know Jeremiah Frei-Pearson, and his work as a civil rights attorney, as well as leader of the Sustainability Committee. The White Plains Democratic Committee endorsed Jeremiah as their candidate of choice, with Mayor Tom Roach later speaking on his behalf. Civil rights and sustainability are the quintessential issues of our time and I believe Jeremiah will be the representative we need in this moment for the 93rd District.

David Brezler
White Plains

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