Chappaqua Rally Organizers, Supporters Are Siding With Terrorists
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
You published a letter in last week’s edition, “Student Organizers Should Be Commended for Chappaqua Peace Rally.” Unfortunately, the letter did not discuss peace but instead was a letter supporting the policies of a terrorist organization, Hamas, so designated by the United States and the European Union.
I did not attend the rally but have no problem with the actions of the students. They are young, uneducated and naïve; I doubt they could even find Israel, Gaza or the West Bank on a map. Any letter that discusses Israel’s attempts, at the cost of blood and money, that doesn’t mention how this confrontation started is disingenuous.
The letter writers seem to forget or don’t care that the IDF is in Gaza because the Palestinians, along with their elected government, Hamas, invaded Israel and brutally raped, tortured and massacred 1,200 Jews, and took more than 100 hostages. The terrorists, with the active support of the Palestinian “civilian” population still hold the hostages.
Just for clarity: I oppose the Netanyahu government, the settlements in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza. I look forward to the day we can start over. Release the hostages now!
Steven Shapiro

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