Carmel Board of Education Shoulders Blame for District’s Fiscal Crisis
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I just want to level set so everyone understands, because there seems to be some confusion that came out during the Carmel school board budget meetings.
I’m not sure if Carmel isn’t listening or not understanding, and before you run even more qualified, intelligent and, most of all, caring individuals out of this district, I want to make sure you completely understand.
- Salary increases, CTA contracts and staff salaries are all approved and voted on by the elected members of the Board of Education.
- Moving money, capital projects and investments are all approved and voted on by the elected members of the board.
- The hiring of superintendents are all approved and voted on by the elected members of the Board of Education.
- Any large purchases like the new facial recognition tools and added security measures at the high school are all approved and voted on by the elected board members.
- The district cannot move money or pay taxes without the approval of the board.
- All tenure and promotions are approved and voted on by the elected members of the Board of Education.
- The Carmel Central School District Board of Education knowingly voted to lower the tax levy three years ago to offset taxes. However, unlike Brewster and Mahopac, we have no industry to help offset the taxes and the burden falls on the homeowners.
- The district is not missing money. The potential $6 million is the shortfall in the coming year that will not allow the district to pay out their contractual obligations – all perpetuated by the votes of the school board, not the administration or the CTA.
- The president of the school board is married to an active member of the CTA and did not recuse herself from the approval vote of the CTA contracts. The board voted and approved the CTA contract, not the administration.
- How much money was spent by the board going to conventions? Multiple people attended on the district’s dime. How come we aren’t discussing the frivolous use of spending when the board knows the district is in financial crisis?
Please understand the process. You, as a community, voted people onto the Board of Education seats that are, at the same time, stealing the rights and education right out from under your students. Their actions are adversely affecting the value of your home. So please take a step back and understand that you are laser-focused on the wrong people.
Go back to the past recordings of the board meetings and you will see the board knew and they still carried out their irresponsible acts.
You as taxpayers and voters have the power to call for their resignations. They have lied, these seven votes controlling the outcome of this district in their best intertest, not yours.
Tara DeTurris

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