
The Best Grilling Tongs for Every Type of BBQ Enthusiast

Grilling tongs are essential tools for any barbecue enthusiast. They offer a safe and precise way to handle food over high heat. From sturdy stainless steel spatula tongs for flipping burgers to delicate scissor-style tongs for turning vegetables, there is a wide variety of tongs available to suit every grilling need. You need to make sure that you will pick the best grilling tongs for you!

best grilling tongs - photo of a man grilling various items on a black, round bbq

Spatula Tongs: Versatility in Grilling

Spatula tongs are a handy grilling tool that works like both tongs and a spatula. The wide, flat spatula head makes it easy to flip and turn meats, veggies, and other foods on the grill. The special design grips food tightly and keeps it stable while cooking. Spatula tongs are great for grilling fish and burgers!

Some spatula tongs have extra features, like a bottle opener or a serrated edge for cutting. They are made from strong, heat-resistant materials like stainless steel, which allows them to handle the high heat of grilling. Choose spatula tongs to make grilling easier without losing any functionality.

Scissor Tongs: Precision and Control

Grillers who want to handle food with care often use scissor tongs. These tongs look like scissors with two long arms and a pivot point. This design helps them grip food firmly, even if it’s delicate. The tips of the tongs are often bumpy or have teeth. This helps them hold onto food better so it doesn’t slip or fall while grilling. It’s very useful when turning veggies.

Manufacturers often use stainless steel in scissor tongs. This makes them strong, able to handle heat, and easy to clean. Manufacturers ensure that the handles are comfy and easy to hold. Some have silicone or plastic grips to protect your hands from the heat. You can find scissor tongs in different lengths, usually between 9 and 12 inches. This lets you choose the size that works best for your grilling needs.

Precision Tongs: Delicate Handling for Gourmet Grilling

Precision tongs are perfect for grillers who want complete control when handling delicate foods. These tongs have a slim design with narrow, scalloped tips, which allows for precise handling of small or fragile ingredients like asparagus, shrimp, or fish fillets. The flat front edge of precision tongs makes it easy to slide under food items and grip them securely without causing damage. Precision tongs are made from high-quality stainless steel, which means they can withstand the high heat of grilling and last a long time.

Many precision tongs have soft-touch handles for a comfortable, non-slip grip. They also often feature a locking mechanism for easy storage when not in use. Precision tongs are usually 16 to 18 inches long. This provides plenty of reach to keep your hands safely away from the heat while still allowing for precise control over the grilling process.

Heavy-Duty Commercial Grilling Tongs

Commercial-grade grilling tongs are made to handle the tough demands of professional kitchens and busy grilling. These strong tongs are usually made from thick, high-quality stainless steel. This material resists rust and stays strong even after being used in high heat for a long time. The sturdy build ensures that the tongs can securely grip and lift heavier meats, like large steaks or whole chicken, without bending or breaking.

Commercial-grade tongs often have reinforced joints and rivets for extra durability. They also have comfortable, heat-resistant handles that provide a secure grip and protect the user’s hands from the hot grill. These tongs come in different lengths, with some models reaching up to 20 inches or more. This allows grillers to stay a safe distance from the flames while still easily managing their food.

Comparing Grilling Tong Types

When selecting the best grilling tongs for you, consider the specific needs of your cooking style and the types of food you’ll be preparing. The following table provides a quick comparison of four popular types of grilling tongs, highlighting their key features, ideal uses, materials, and typical lengths.

TypeKey FeaturesIdeal ForMaterialsLength
Spatula TongsWide, flat spatula head for flipping and turningBurgers, meats, vegetablesStainless steel, heat-resistant materialsVaries
Scissor TongsScissor-like design with serrated or textured tips for secure gripDelicate ingredients, precision grillingStainless steel with silicone or plastic grips9-12 inches
Precision TongsSlender, tapered design with scalloped tips for precise manipulationSmall or fragile foods like asparagus, shrimp, fish filletsHigh-quality stainless steel with soft-touch handles16-18 inches
Commercial Grade TongsHeavy-duty construction, reinforced joints, heat-resistant handlesHigh-volume grilling, large cuts of meatThick, high-quality stainless steelUp to 20 inches or more