
Grilling Essentials: How to Choose the Best Long BBQ Tongs

Discover the Benefits of Long BBQ Tongs for Grilling

Having the right tools can make all the difference when grilling. Long BBQ tongs are an essential piece of equipment that allows you to safely handle food over high heat while keeping your hands at a comfortable distance from the flames. Here is our guide to the best long BBQ tongs!

Choosing the Right Length for Your Grill Tongs

best long bbq tongs - photo of cooking tongs of different lengths

When selecting grill tongs, it’s important to consider the length that will work best for your grilling setup. Long tongs, typically 16-20 inches, are ideal for keeping your hands safely away from the high heat of the grill. They allow you to easily reach across larger grills without discomfort. However, if you have a smaller grill or frequently cook chunky cuts of meat, slightly shorter tongs around 12-16 inches may provide better control and maneuverability. Aim to find a length that feels comfortable in your hands while still providing ample distance from the hot grates.

Material Matters: Stainless Steel vs. Silicone Tips

When it comes to the material of your grill tongs, you have two main options: stainless steel or silicone-tipped. Stainless steel tongs are durable, easy to clean, and won’t hold onto odors. They provide a firm grip on food and can withstand high temperatures. However, they may scratch delicate grill grates or cookware.

Silicone-tipped tongs offer a gentler grip that won’t damage surfaces. The silicone also provides better heat resistance for the tips. However, silicone can retain odors from seasoned foods and may require more frequent cleaning. Silicone tips are also not quite as durable as stainless steel.

Ultimately, the choice between stainless steel and silicone-tipped tongs comes down to personal preference and your grilling needs. Stainless steel provides durability and easy maintenance, while silicone offers a gentler grip and added heat protection. Consider the types of food you grill most often and the surfaces you’ll be using the tongs on to determine the best material for you.

Handle Comfort: Silicone

best long bbq tongs - photo of bbq tongs with black and orange silicone handles

Silicone handles on grill tongs provide a comfortable, non-slip grip even when your hands are wet or greasy. They stay cool to the touch, allowing you to handle the tongs for extended periods without discomfort. Silicone is also heat resistant, so you don’t have to worry about the handles melting or warping when left near the hot grill.

Some grillers find that silicone handles offer better control compared to stainless steel, as they are less likely to become slippery. However, silicone can sometimes attract dirt and grime more easily than stainless steel handles. With proper cleaning and care, though, silicone handles are a durable and practical choice for long BBQ tongs that prioritize comfort and ease of use.

Heat Resistance and Durability

When choosing grill tongs, heat resistance and durability are key factors to consider. High-quality stainless-steel tongs are built to withstand the high temperatures of grilling, often up to 500°F or more. This ensures that the tongs won’t warp, melt, or become damaged when exposed to direct heat or flames.

Silicone tips on grill tongs also offer excellent heat resistance, typically up to 600°F according to some brands. This allows you to safely handle hot food without worrying about the tips melting or degrading over time. However, while silicone is heat resistant, it may not be quite as durable as solid stainless steel in the long run.

When assessing durability, look for tongs with sturdy construction and reinforced joints. Avoid flimsy or thin metal that may bend or break easily. Tongs with a locking mechanism can also help prolong their lifespan by preventing strain on the joints during storage.

Investing in a well-made set of stainless steel or silicone-tipped grill tongs will provide you with a reliable tool that can handle frequent use and high temperatures season after season. With proper care and cleaning, your heat-resistant, durable tongs will be a trusty companion at every BBQ and cookout.

Key Points

Kitchen vs. Grill Tongs: Understanding the Difference

  • Kitchen tongs are compact – around 12 inches. Grill tongs extend over 18 inches, creating a safety buffer from sizzling heat. Short tongs risk singed arms when flipping burgers or searing steaks over open flames.
  • Long BBQ tongs provide the reach to maneuver food without singeing hair or skin.
  • Material matters, too. Stainless steel withstands high temperatures better than nylon or plastic. Metallic tongs won’t melt near hot coals or grill grates. Their sturdy build also grips meats firmly without tearing.

Key Specs for Choosing the Right BBQ Tongs

  • Length is the key factor in determining key BBQ tong specs. Aim for 16-20 inches, long enough to keep hands safely distanced from the scorching heat. Material matters, too; stainless steel lends strength and durability.
  • Weight is crucial for control; heavy-duty options with thick, rigid arms work best.
  • Grips should offer a comfortable, non-slip hold. Spring-loaded hinges enable smooth one-handed use. Dishwasher-safe construction makes cleaning easy after smoky grilling sessions. Consider tongs with utility hooks for convenient storage on your grill’s side trays or tool holders.

Additional Tips for Utilizing Long BBQ Tongs in Grilling

  • Long tongs provide superior leverage and control when turning large cuts of meat. When adding wood chips or liquids, employ tongs to prevent splatters. Tongs also come in handy for arranging hot grill grates or adjusting vents.
  • Their reach keeps hands safely away from the scorching heat.
  • For basting or glazing, grasp a brush with tongs – it’s easier than handling hot utensils directly. Long tongs assist in retrieving dropped food from grill grates. They’re perfect for moving kebabs without spearing ingredients.


1. What’s the advantage of using long BBQ tongs for grilling?

Long tongs allow you to safely handle food on the grill from a distance – keeping your hands and arms away from the heat.

2. How long should my BBQ tongs be?

For most grills, tongs between 12 and 16 inches are ideal—long enough to reach the center while maintaining a safe distance.

3. What material should I look for in long BBQ tongs?

Stainless steel is the preferred material – it’s durable, heat-resistant, and easy to clean.

4. Are locking tongs better than non-locking ones?

Locking tongs can be handy – they stay closed when not in use, preventing accidental openings…but non-locking tongs work just fine too.

5. How do I clean my long BBQ tongs?

After grilling, simply wipe down the tongs with a damp cloth or sponge. For tougher grime, soak them in warm, soapy water before scrubbing.