Business Spotlights

Business Profile: Sofos Chiropractic, White Plains

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imagesDr. Gus Sofos is a relative newcomer to White Plains. Originally from California and most recently from Mahopac, he has opened a new practice on the second floor at 100 Mamaroneck Avenue, joining the growing number of health practitioners making White Plains their home.

Over thirteen years of practice, Dr. Sofos has come to believe strongly in a person’s ability to manage his or her own body to attain complete wellness. “I am a big believer in yoga and Pilates,” he says. “I don’t believe in long term care that costs lots of money for office visits for my patients when they can learn to help themselves.”

Rather, Sofos will make an assessment of a patient’s spine and make the necessary adjustments to align it. If that care combined with self-care at home including exercise and stretching does not relieve the pain that brought them to his office, then Sofos will refer the patient for an MRI and to a medical doctor.

This is especially important for athletes, Sofos explains. “My goal is to get a patient back to a place where they can manage on their own. For most patients, it should take no more than 12 to 24 visits to get them going. If treatment needs to go beyond that point, Sofos will usually determine that something more is needed.

Along with spinal alignment, Sofos teaches his patients how to stretch and exercise to relax strained muscles and regain motion and even how to eat properly for overall health and flexibility.

“If you have been moving your body one way for many years, muscles will tighten and produce pain,” he says. This is true not only for the spine but also the hip joints, according to Sofos.

Sofos uses spinal decompression, a type of motorized traction to take pressure off of spinal discs.

A lot of the pain suffered by patients is the result of arthritis that has deteriorated the spinal joint, leading to lack of motion in the spine. Sofos will look for arthritis through the use of x-rays to find the points where arthritic joints are causing problems.

“In the modern world people spend a lot of time sitting. I give my patients specific exercises to do throughout the day to counteract that lack of movement,” Sofos explains. “I also tell my patients to slow down a little bit.”

Sofos believes that people are motivated to do more for themselves when they feel good. By slowing down and paying attention to their bodies, Sofos has seen people become more aware of habits that are causing them problems. With this knowledge, they often will take the time to do more to strengthen from within.

While Sofos developed most of his philosophy of patient treatment over years of practice, he first became interested in the chiropractic field when we was 18 years old and suffering from a basketball injury.

“I was still in high school and had a job as a store clerk that required moving boxes. The sports injury was causing me pain and hindering my ability to do my job. I thought I was just going to have to deal with it,” he said. “There was a doctor’s office I passed almost every day. Encouraged by a friend who knew the doctor, I decided to stop in and get checked out.”

That doctor was a chiropractor. After a few visits Sofos was surprised to find the pain had gone.

“I thought I was going to have to live with the pain for the rest of my life. Many people assume they do. I knew then and there that I wanted to get involved in the health field so I could help people. I always knew I wanted to work with my hands, so becoming a chiropractor fulfilled a number of goals.”

Sofos considers himself to be a consumer advocate. Not only does he want to show people how they can alleviate chronic pain, he also works to keep his prices down.

He is offering a special $27 initial examination with x-ray price, reduced to $17 if you bring someone with you. No appointment is needed. Sofos’ services are covered by most medical insurance policies and he takes credit cards.

Office hours are 9 a.m. to 1: 30 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Mondays through Thursday and by appointment on Friday and Saturday.

Visit to find out more about Dr. Sofos and his practice or call 914-556-2188 for an appointment.

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