Actionable Feedback – Public Engagement Policies and Activities

Examiner Media is committed to soliciting actionable feedback from the public. We want to hear from you to get feedback on specific story ideas, topics we should be covering, and any general questions you might have. Editor-in-Chief Martin Wilbur helps run our public engagement efforts and can direct you to the appropriate colleague if someone else can better address your input.

You are a frontline witness to life here — public safety, politics, housing, social movements, schools, culture, etc. — and your insights can help shape our coverage. Please use the Feedback Form below to send us your your comments, complaints and general feedback.

For any questions you might have for our newsroom, please email Editor-in-Chief, Martin Wilbur,

Publisher: Adam Stone,
Editor-in-Chief: Martin Wilbur,
Digital Editorial Director: Robert Schork,

Actionable Feedback Form