Arena’s Position on Bail Reform a Common-Sense Reaction to Failed Effort
Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.
I am writing to express my support for state Senate candidate Gina Arena’s stance against bail reform.
As someone who has lived in New York for many years, I have seen firsthand the detrimental effects that recent bail reform measures have had on New York State as a whole. Crime rates have surged, and many friends and neighbors are considering or have already decided to move out of New York in search of safer environments.
Arena’s position on bail reform is both sensible and necessary. She understands that while the intention behind bail reform – to create a more equitable justice system – is commendable, the execution has been flawed. The current policies have inadvertently allowed repeat offenders to return to the streets quickly, creating an atmosphere of lawlessness and insecurity.
New York deserves a leader who prioritizes the safety and well-being of its citizens. Arena’s commitment to revisiting and revising these policies to strike a balance between justice and public safety is exactly what our state needs. By supporting her, we can ensure that our neighborhoods remain safe places to live, work and raise families.
The exodus of New Yorkers to other states is a clear indication that something needs to change. We cannot afford to lose more residents and businesses due to fear and insecurity.
Gina Arena’s approach to repeal bail reform offers a practical solution to a growing problem and represents a step in the right direction for our state’s future.
I ask my fellow residents to support Gina Arena for state Senate in the upcoming election for Senate District 40.
Let’s work together to make our state a safer and more secure place for everyone.
Nzingha Milanes
North Salem

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