Annual Walk for Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support Initiatives, Sunday, Oct. 6

White Plains resident Leigh Phelan will take the trip to FDR State Park in Yorktown Heights Sunday, October 6th for Support Connection’s 19th Annual Support-A-Walk.
Phelan has walked every year in memory of her mother’s good friend Myra who succumbed to breast cancer several years ago.
It was the loss of her friend that got Phelan’s mother going. She, along with other local residents, founded Support Connection and Myra is the woman the organization is dedicated to.
Support Connection was established in 1996 and immediately began to provide emotional, social and educational support services to women, their families and friends affected by breast and ovarian cancer.
As a teenager Phelan helped out every year, stuffing envelopes, doing odd jobs, creating teams for the walk, even working on the annual gala that raises funds to keep Support Connection’s work ongoing.
This year is special because Phelan will be joined on the walk and will meet for the first time, the mother of a close friend she introduced to Support Connection and whose survival in large part can be credited to the emotional care she received during her struggle with breast cancer.
“Making that first phone call was very difficult for her,” Phelan said. “But it made such a difference in her outlook. It makes me feel very good to see how our efforts helped her. She is doing so well. I look forward to meeting her at the walk.”
Registrations and donations are now being accepted for Support Connection’s Support-A-Walk. It is the organization’s most important annual fundraiser, with 89 cents of every dollar raised directly funding their free breast and ovarian cancer support services.
People travel from across the Hudson Valley and beyond to take part in this inspiring and uplifting community event. In 2012, there were more than 9,000 participants, with registrants from more than 113 different towns or cities and 12 different states.
Participants of all ages complete a 3-mile walk, often in honor of loved ones – a celebration of life and a tribute to those who are affected by breast and ovarian cancer. There is a Survivor’s Welcome Area where volunteers greet and welcome cancer survivors. Along the Walk path, walkers are encouraged and cheered by local bands, cheerleaders and other community groups. Families, friends, co-workers and teams of walkers are invited to walk together. Individuals are also welcome to participate.
This year’s honorary chairpersons are Kacey Morabito Grean of 100.7 WHUD Radio’s “Mike and Kacey in the Morning,” and Matt Sampson of News12 Westchester, who leads the “Not For Women Only” campaign encouraging men of all ages to be involved in the Walk, to salute and support the courageous women in their lives.
Students are welcome to be part of the “Students for Support Connection” campaign, which enables students of all ages to volunteer and raise funds.
Even those who can’t attend can participate. Donations are accepted by check, cash, and online at the Support Connection website. Supporters can raise funds by creating personal online fundraising pages to ask friends and family for donations. Messages of support, celebration or commemoration can be displayed on along the Walk path by purchasing Tribute Signs for $50 each.
To learn more, or to register, donate, or create a fundraising page for the Support-A-Walk, or call 914-962-6402.
Support Connection does not receive funds from any national cancer organizations including Relay for Life, Susan G. Komen, the Avon Walk or Making Strides.