Jack Walsh

Jack Walsh

Jack Walsh, Reporter

Examiner freelance reporter Jack Walsh also works separately as an associate editor for RISMedia, and as the part-time managing editor of DCReport.

He specializes in stories surrounding national real estate, from antitrust lawsuits to investigative topics, trends and data reports, as well as U.S. politics.

Jack earned his master’s degree in journalism from Northeastern University.

He grew up in the local area, attending high school at John Jay in Cross River.

You can reach him by calling or texting 914-506-2315 and by email jaywalsh@jackwalsh.org

Read Jack’s work here: https://www.theexaminernews.com/author/jackwalsh/

Expertise & Demographics: Jack has strong experience reporting on real estate and U.S. politics from a wide array of angles. But his central passion is covering local news, which is how he began his career in 2022. Before returning to his native Westchester County, Jack covered weekly happenings in Southern New Hampshire.

Languages: English only.