About Us
The Examiner News is a home for independent local journalism, analysis, and commentary.
Since 2007, we’ve built a reputation as a vital source for thoughtful, community-driven reporting in Westchester, Putnam, and beyond. While we ended our print edition in early 2025, our commitment to impactful journalism remains the same.
Today, our work is built around Examiner+, our flagship newsletter. Each edition features original reporting, insights, and analysis — available in a free version for all subscribers and a premium edition with exclusive content for Examiner+ members.
Stone’s Throw, our publisher Adam Stone’s award-winning column, offers deeper dives into meaningful topics, available with special access for Examiner+ members.
Beyond the newsletter, our website offers a mix of investigative stories, data-driven examinations of local issues, and contributions from experienced journalists.
We also help produce Sick Care, an upcoming podcast exploring the failures of the corporate healthcare system and the forces shaping it, from a local and national perspective.
Through these platforms, The Examiner News continues to evolve, always committed to delivering journalism that informs, engages, and sparks conversation.
Thanks for being part of the journey.
A conversation with Adam Stone – The Examiner’s publisher opens up as paper goes digital
30 Newsrooms Join US Reader Revenue Accelerators – Meta Journalism Project (Nov. 17, 2021)
After pandemic layoffs, a local news company seeks subscribers on Substack. (NY Times Oct. 5, 2021)
Examiner Media launches paid local newsletter on Substack (Local Media Assoc. Oct. 12, 2021)
The Examiner Media Comeback and the Resilience of Local News
Small Town Newspaper Publisher Overwhelmed By Local Support
Examiner Publisher Named to The Westchester Watch List
914 INC. – Westchester Magazine profile on Publisher Adam Stone
Publishing Company Launches Fourth Newspaper in Four Years – Editor & Publisher magazine
Examiner Media’s publisher honored by Editor & Publisher magazine
Publisher with a vision and a sense of humor — Inside Chappaqua
New Weekly Makes News and Waves – The New York Times
Examiner Media Editor Named Wunderkind by Westchester Magazine’s 914INC.
Examiner Media Celebrates 10 Years – Pleasantville Daily Voice
Examiner Media Celebrates a Decade in the Newspaper Business | PDF version