
A Progressive Comprehensive Plan Update Isn’t What Carmel Needs

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An existential threat refers to something ceasing to exist. Sadly, the Town of Carmel draft Comprehensive Plan (aka Master Plan) and its proposed zoning changes create that threat to the town. This 10-year plan mandates a long list of socialist progressive concepts that would destroy the high quality of life Carmel residents now enjoy.

It imbeds progressive woke concepts into the code among conventional guidelines.  Included is construction of large-scale multifamily housing projects using DEI-based requirements run by a newly-created town housing authority bureaucracy. A classic socialist power grab and directly contrary to residents’ wishes as stated in the plan that multi-unit housing NOT be expanded.

Another menace is the Economic Floating Zone that empowers the Town Board to grant zoning for projects they happen to like regardless of residents’ objections. The plan also infringes on property rights by granting the town the right of first refusal to buy certain properties from private landowners. An accessory dwelling unit clause permits the construction of market-rate rental apartments for non-family tenants inside a residentially zoned single-family home or an accessory building. Goodbye Carmel and hello to Staten Island of the north.

The mystery of this mess is why an alleged conservative Republican Town Board is pushing a socialist agenda. Are they just attempting to get this badly bungled project off their table, not understanding its long-term negative impact on Carmel’s future?

There will be public hearings on these matters. Hopefully the board’s past suppression of public comment by imposing unrealistic time restrictions on speakers will not occur when addressing these expansive issues. I would alternatively propose given the weight and complexity of this matter that a Town Hall meeting format, which has been done in the past, be implemented.

John Butler

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