
We Need More Reasonably Priced Housing and We Need it Now

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As an expectant mother and young professional living in Westchester County, I’m particularly concerned about reasonably priced housing options and access to transit in our communities, which I believe were addressed in Gov. Hochul’s Transit Oriented Development proposal.

On paper, living in White Plains near the train station sounds like an ideal situation; however, most developments in the area are carbon copies of the same luxury apartment buildings that remain mostly empty.

As my family grows, my options are to either pay an exorbitant amount for the “luxury” of living within walking distance of a train line or bus stop or move to an area where my only commuting option is to purchase a car – potentially out of the county and further from the community and support I’ve built here.

There is a “missing middle” housing option in Westchester. The lack of mid-range townhouse, co-op, condo and rental units is apparent, particularly in areas that are walkable or have access to transit. I’m embarrassed by the almost visceral response from local elected officials throughout Westchester denouncing the governor’s inclusion of Transit Oriented Development and Accessory Dwelling Units in the state budget. It should not take a “threat” against home rule to get any local leader to talk about missing middle housing.

I am genuinely concerned about being priced out of Westchester. If there are no affordable options now, what kind of housing landscape are we leaving for future generations? How much worse are our elected officials willing to make this housing crisis to protect the interests of the vocal NIMBY minority? 

Megan Keane
White Plains

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