
Capalbo’s Comment at the Forum is Unworthy of a Candidate for Office

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We strongly condemn the antisemitic language used by Republican Assembly candidate Michael Capalbo at the League of Women Voters forum on Monday, Oct. 7. Shortly after claiming to stand with Jewish people on the anniversary of the Hamas attacks, Capalbo demeaned Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg’s success in securing state funds for our communities by saying she had “a few shekels thrown at her.”

The audience’s audible reaction seemed to surprise Capalbo, suggesting this type of casual antisemitism may be common in his regular discourse. His attempt to backpedal by changing “shekels” to “funds” only underscored his awareness of the offensive nature of his initial remark.

Using such language on any day is unacceptable, but to do so on Oct. 7 – the anniversary of a tragic attack – is particularly egregious. This behavior is entirely inappropriate for a candidate seeking public office. Voters in the 95th Assembly District should be aware of this incident when considering their choices.

In just her first term, Levenberg has distinguished herself as a productive and effective state legislator. In her first year, she passed more prime-sponsored legislation than any of her first-year peers in the Assembly. This remarkable legislative success demonstrates her ability to navigate complex political processes and build coalitions to advance essential initiatives.

Additionally, Levenberg has proven to be a formidable advocate for her district’s needs, securing over $70 million in funding for critical infrastructure projects. This substantial achievement not only showcases her political acumen but also her deep commitment to improving the lives of her constituents. For a newcomer to the state legislature, these accomplishments are particularly impressive, indicating Levenberg’s natural aptitude for public service and her potential for even greater impact in the future.

Throughout this forum, Capalbo behaved like a poor imitation of Donald Trump, using ugly, insulting and misleading rhetoric that cannot be normalized if we want to have a healthy, functioning democracy. Voters in the 95th Assembly District are fortunate to be represented by Dana Levenberg, and they shouldn’t hesitate to re-elect her to the Assembly. Her opponent, who offers nothing but xenophobic and hateful rhetoric, is appalling and unworthy of consideration.

Catherine Borgia,
Ossining Town Democratic Committee Chair

Jann Mirchandani,
Yorktown Democratic Committee Chair

Steve Kollias,
Peekskill Democratic Committee Chair

Michael Eisenkraft,
Cortlandt Democratic Committee Chair

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