Police/FireThe Examiner

New Castle Fire District Looks to Relocate Toilets in Firehouse Expansion

News Based on facts, either observed and verified directly by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources.

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New Castle fire commissioners are appealing to their architect to revise plans for the expanded firehouse to place toilets inside the shower room to limit the spread of contaminants after firefighters return from a call.

Commissioner Nancy Zezze, who raised the point to other members of the New Castle Fire District No. 1 Board of Commissioners at their last meeting, said volunteers should not be walking through the bays and public areas of the firehouse when they return from a blaze to use the restroom.

Along with more space to fit modern apparatus, an area for firefighters to properly wash themselves and their gear of carcinogens coming back to the firehouse was one of the critical elements of the $15.2 million referendum that voters approved in April 2023.

Zezze said that the upgraded facility should be able to serve the district’s needs properly now and well into the future, calling the layout separating the showers from the toilets “a miss”

“I don’t think that’s acceptable,” she said of the placement of the restrooms. “Before the ground is broken over here, there should be a bathroom, a toilet in the area when people come back from a fire and are deconning. There’s a shower, put a toilet there. The plumbing, everything is there.”

Board Chair Dwight Smith said that commissioners would meet with architect Bob Mitchell in hopes that the change can be made because of the importance of the volunteers’ safety and anyone who is at the firehouse.

It was unclear whether the change is feasible at this point and how much it might cost.

Smith said it would be best to make the revision before construction, but it could still be mitigated following the expansion, if necessary.

“I have no problem doing this now, but at the same time, once it’s built, we still can make changes,” he said.

Fire Chief Paul Eiden told commissioners at the Sept. 19 meeting that they should direct the architect to relocate the toilets because it is what is best for the firefighters and the department.

“Basically, just tell the architect we want a commode in the shower area,” Eiden said. “Don’t ask if it can be done (or) should be done, tell him what we want.”

The revelation about the bathrooms’ location is the latest obstacle for the fire district’s project. There were escalating costs as a result of delays in awarding the bids. Bids were awarded in July, 15 months after the referendum passed.

Furthermore, the district appears that it will need to exceed the tax cap by more than $800,000, caused mostly by expenses related to the bond, it was revealed on Sept. 19.

Eiden said it appear the plans now show that during construction installation of a temporary wall will force the department to house the rescue truck at another location. The wall is expected to force volunteers to move the truck 18 inches forward, which is not feasible, he said.

There would only be about three inches of clearance in the front and back, a situation that isn’t feasible, Eiden said.

Also, last week the district needed to return to the New Castle Planning Board to obtain a permit for placing a trailer on its property at Elm and King streets. The trailer will provide on-site offices for the general contractor, construction manager, the project’s consultant and the design team.


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