
State Climate Action is the Only Financially Responsible Choice

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It’s no secret that this summer is one of New York’s hottest yet. The National Weather Service reported that June and July saw 50 percent more days with temperatures over 90 degrees compared to historical averages. Day after day, we endured sweltering heat, with heat advisories becoming the norm.

We’re in the midst of a climate emergency. Yet, you wouldn’t know it from the inaction of our state leaders.

As the summer began, our representatives stalled crucial initiatives like congestion pricing for Manhattan, failed to bring the NY HEAT Act to a vote in the Assembly and delayed the Climate Change Superfund Act. These policies are designed to alleviate the financial burden of climate change on New Yorkers. For example, congestion pricing would fund MTA improvements, while the Superfund Act would hold major greenhouse gas emitters accountable and finance climate resilience in our communities.

In a world where natural disasters hit with more intensity and frequency, collecting funding to protect our communities from climate change’s effects is the only financially responsible choice available. The alternative, reconstructing after every storm, is a Sisyphean task. It will cost us billions and take countless lives. Our state leaders must act now.

Jenna Cain

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