
Siegel’s Commitment to Yorktown Merits Election to Town Board

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In Susan Siegel we have a passionate advocate for good government and a dedicated community activist. Her experience as a former supervisor and Town Board member makes her an ideal candidate to fill the vacant seat on the Yorktown Town Board in the July 23 special election.

In addition to representing the citizens of Yorktown, she has for years regularly attended and participated in both Town Board and Planning Board meetings. Her detailed knowledge of the workings of the town are particularly needed now with all three current Town Board members in their first term and recent disruptions in the supervisor’s position. Matt Slater’s resignation after his election to the Assembly with a year left in his term and the untimely passing of his replacement, Tom Diana, after just one year has resulted in our third supervisor in three years.

Please make the effort to vote early or on Election Day, July 23. Our town really needs a board member with the quality and commitment of Susan Siegel.

Larry and Mary Jane Kilian
Yorktown Heights

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