
Jones Supported Legislation That Made Positive Difference in People’s Lives

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I disagree with Ms. Shemin’s letter to the editor last week (“Mondaire Jones Sides With the Far Left”) regarding her comment stating “what parties stand for are more blurred than ever. It’s better to examine the candidate than the party.”

The two major parties cannot be any farther apart. In 2021 and 2022, when Democrats held the majority in the House, despite the vast number of Republicans voting against these historic bills that benefit all Americans, these bills were passed into law.

The bipartisan infrastructure legislation was enacted to rebuild America’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet and more. Donald Trump talked plenty about infrastructure but nothing came of all the talk.

The Chips and Science Act ensures that the United States continues to lead the world in science and technology innovation well into the future. The law also helps secure American access to semiconductors used to manufacture products like cars and refrigerators.

The Safer Communities Act institutes various changes to federal firearms laws, including expanding background check requirements, broadening the scope of existing restrictions, establishing new criminal offenses and promoting access to mental health services.

The Inflation Reduction Act lowers healthcare and prescription drug costs for many American families. Although not in Congress at the time, Rep. Mike Lawler explicitly spoke out against this bill.

Mondaire Jones voted for all of the above bills.

Even though the Republican-controlled House under President Trump allowed the Violence Against Women Act’s authorization to lapse at the end of 2018, thankfully Mondaire Jones and the Democrats passed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act in 2022.

Mondaire Jones was a co-sponsor of the Right to Contraception Act, which passed the House but never made it through the Senate. Lawler is not a co-sponsor of the current Right to Contraception Act.

In stark contrast, the 118th Republican-controlled House is primarily responsible for this Congress to be one of the most unproductive in modern history. At the same time, Republican representatives are wasting our taxpayer money on fruitless investigations and messaging bills, which Lawler invariably votes for.

This district and country need Mondaire Jones and the Democratic Party to continue passing bills that help the American people in all areas of our lives.

Constance Grover
Mohegan Lake

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