
Underhill Farm Critic Fails to Embrace Progress and Positive Change

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I believe Susan Siegel is wrong. Underhill Farm has the solution to fix the dangerous Route118-Underhill Avenue intersection as agreed to by the Department of Transportation and Yorktown government leaders. But Ms. Siegel doesn’t want it despite the fact Underhill Farm will invest over $1.2 million.

That’s just the beginning of Ms. Siegel trying to halt Yorktown’s future. She’s against change, progress and forward thinking, which is exactly what Underhill Farm proposes.

  • The project will generate over $13 million in tax revenue over 10 years.
  • Pay for the upgrade of the intersection previously mentioned.
  • Commit to donating $225,000 for parks and recreation initiatives in the town.
  • Make 30 spaces of parking available for the planned senior center and parks and recreation building. The center cannot be built without the parking.

If the developer walks away from the project and the tax revenue isn’t realized, how does Ms. Siegel propose we make up the money?

I appreciate the developer for having the patience to deal with her and her followers during this marathon of a process. If Ms. Siegel had her way and it was applied to all the developments in town, no one would live here except for the apple and livestock farmers.

Brian Wolfson

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