Those Who Attended Putnam’s Back the Blue Rally Are Patriots, Not Racists
To letter writer Zach Disador, you lack respect (“Putnam Isn’t Overrun By Mobs, it Has an Engaged Electorate, September, 22-28).
I am one of the Putnam County residents who attended the Back the Blue rally on the courthouse steps. Only a radical liberal would make up a fantasy story that you describe.
The woman who was attacked was there and verified she was attacked.
There was no ridicule of a mentally challenged person. It is a fact the person walks around with a machete. I guess in these times, for a liberal, being threatened by a machete is inconsequential.
There is no such thing as a “Trump Militia.”
I resent being called a fear-mongering person because I am not. I deal in facts, not emotion.
The only people who are radical are the liberal Democrats who have infiltrated our schools and brainwashed our innocent children who come back to us as criminally violent troublemakers. Those are the children you are describing in your letter as “getting involved.” Aren’t they the rich, white kids beating people on the streets? Putnam County will “head it off at the pass” if insurrection occurs.
If you think that BLM and Antifa are peaceful, you are delusional. Turn on the screens of your TV and computer to view the burning, looting and mayhem on the streets of America. This is not acceptable to the mothers of Putnam County who want their children to be safe. That is why they will vote for Trump. Even if they don’t like Trump’s personality, they will vote for Trump to keep their children safe.
Beware Putnam County. The National Education Association, its teachers and activists are pushing to change the curriculum in our public schools to promote Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They are also introducing textbooks for elementary school that will teach that your parents are racists. The only racists in this country are in the Democrat Party.
The participants in the Back the Blue rally are patriots who love our country and everything it stands for, now and forever.
Kathlyn Messina