
Vote Early, By Mail or in Person, But Vote

Opinion Advocates for ideas and draws conclusions based on the author/producer’s interpretation of facts and data.

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The Yorktown Small Business Association (YSBA) is nonpartisan and nonpolitical, and so should you be too!

During these tough economic times, many businesses and community organizations are being asked to take a position by supporting a certain political party or candidate. It is selfish and unfair for political parties and candidates to put any group in a position where they feel pressured to make a choice.

Local independent businesses are operated by people who come from a variety of political persuasions, as do the customers upon whom they rely. The same is true of individuals who belong to one or more organizations or members of community organizations who also own a business. Pressuring either businesses or community organizations to post political signs, posters and brochures in their establishments could put them in a difficult position.

If your business or organization is approached by any political party or candidate to display signs, posters and brochures, just say no. But if like many people, you feel obligated to do so, simply say yes. Say yes to all parties and candidates by displaying opposing campaign literature, too.

Remember, don’t risk harming your business or organization by taking a stand that could cause shoppers, donors or clients to take their business elsewhere. It’s hard enough running a business or organization without turning off half the electorate – and it’s the fair and equitable thing to do.

Do the right thing! Businesses and community organizations need to be inclusive, not exclusive.

Bob Giordano
Yorktown Small Business Association

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