EducationThe Northern Westchester Examiner

$210M Bond Approved Easily in Ossining School District

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A $210 million bond was overwhelmingly approved in the Ossining School District Tuesday.

According to the district, the bond passed 1,126 to 338.

The bond will cover several planned facility projects in the district. One project is the construction of a new school building for seventh and eighth graders.

The new school will allow Anne M. Dorner Middle School to accommodate fifth grade students from Roosevelt School and the current sixth grade while eliminating existing overcrowded conditions.

Another project is the addition of six new classrooms at Claremont Elementary School, along with a new kitchen and cafeteria. Four of the new classrooms are necessary to expand the eating area.

Meanwhile, 19 new and renovated classrooms are planned at Ossining High School, including a newly constructed music wing and fitness center and a student commons area for additional lunch and student space.

The renovation of the Old Church adjacent to the high school is also slated to be transformed into a STEM and Arts Center and a three-story building will be constructed in the area of the rectory. The building will provide high school students with facilities for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education.

According to the Board of Education, the bond will not increase the tax levy because of

a “combination of overall state aid, district budgeting practices over the years, conversion of an existing capital line into a debt service line, and a construction plan that maximizes aid returned to the district.”


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