Bolton Resigns from Somers Town Board

On Monday night, Harry Bolton (R-Somers) resigned from being a councilman for the Town of Somers. He sent a letter that stated that the resignation would take place immediately.
“I have health problems that are not getting fixed as quickly as the doctors would like,” said Bolton. “So I am going to take time off and take care of me.”
Bolton said that he had a virus that attacked his heart muscle. “I am on a lot of medicines but my blood pressure is not going down,” he said. Being on the town board is too stressful.
“We agree on 90 percent of what is going on,” said Bolton. “But it is that other 10 percent. Going in and arguing with the board members over what I think is conservatism and they do not agree with is just aggravating.”
Last year Bolton, who was elected into office in 2009, unsuccessfully ran for town supervisor against incumbent Mary Beth Murphy in the Republican primary. Murphy ran unopposed in the general election.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Thursday, April 5. At that time the town board may discuss whether or not to fill the vacated seat.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.