Women Honored as Girl Scouts Celebrate 100th Anniversary

Millions of girls and women around the globe have something in common: they are or were a Girl Scout.
On March 12, Girls Scouts will be celebrating its 100th anniversary. To help commemorate, Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson (GSHH) is hosting a centennial gala honoring Women of Leadership and Excellence next Thursday, March 15 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Tarrytown.
Heart of the Hudson will honor women who have distinguished themselves in their fields and are role models for girls striving to become the leaders of tomorrow. Being honored are women whose careers range from public service to arts and entertainment, technology and an entrepreneur.
Congresswoman Nita Lowey is being honored for her more than three decades of public service. Actress Vanessa Williams, who is known for her latest roles in “Ugly Betty” and “Desperate Housewives,” is being honored for her work in the arts and entertainment field. Williams was a Girl Scout while growing up in Chappaqua
The Watson Women of IBM will be recognized for their work in developing female leaders in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. The Watson Women’s Network (WWN) is a volunteer effort at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Its mission is to encourage a workplace environment that advances the professional effectiveness, individual growth and recognition of all women. Together with partners in research management, human resources and other diversity network groups within IBM, the WWN promotes programs in mentoring, networking, knowledge sharing, recruiting and leadership development, thereby enabling their members reach their full potential in the workplace.
Elizabeth Bracken-Thompson, partner at Thompson & Bender, a leading public relations, marketing and advertising firm based in Briarcliff Manor, will be honored for her entrepreneurial achievements. Bracken-Thompson is responsible for new business, directs the company’s marketing and advertising division and manages a diversified portfolio of accounts for Thompson & Bender.
“Being a Girl Scout really had such an impact, I realized, on developing who I was as a person,” Bracken-Thompson said. “It helped me in so many ways. Believe it or not I still have my sash because I realized I had very distinct memories of the kind of work it took to achieve each badge. It became a model for life, how we approach our life and lessons in so many ways.”
The evening’s fifth honoree will be a Girl Scout designated as a Young Woman of Leadership and Excellence. Yet to be named, she will have demonstrated leadership among her peers and in her community, thus helping to make the world a better place.
Proceeds from the gala will provide financial support for program opportunities for thousands of girls throughout the Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson’s jurisdiction, which includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.
Tickets for the gala, which begins with a reception at 6 p.m., are $175 per person. For tickets contact Mary Ellen Hoffman at 914-747-3080 ext. 739 or e-mail mhoffman@girlscoutshh.org.
In addition to the silent auction that evening, Heart of the Hudson is currently hosting an online auction featuring a wide variety of items. For more information on the online auction, visit www.biddingforgood.com/girlscoutshh. For more information on either auction, contact Monica Spears at 914-747-3080 ext .765 or e-mail mspears@girlscoutshh.org.

Adam has worked in the local news industry for the past two decades in Westchester County and the broader Hudson Valley. Read more from Adam’s author bio here.