
Lawler Talks Bipartisanship But Too Often Aligns With MAGA Republicans

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I will vote for Mondaire Jones on Nov. 5. His campaign promises reflect his common-sense voting record as a U.S. representative in the 17th Congressional District from 2021 to 2023. Jones’ opponent, Mike Lawler, campaigns with bipartisan rhetoric but votes with MAGA Republicans.

Lawler says he believes in the rule of law but sides with Republican legislators when he calls Trump’s conviction “destructive to our country.” He blames “hyper-partisan New York Democrats” intent on “[waging] political war on their enemies,” seemingly oblivious to the impartial trial conducted by Judge Merchan. Lawler ignores the jury’s decision to follow the prosecution’s evidence, not politics, to a finding of guilt on all 34 counts.

Does Lawler not see his hypocrisy? He seems to have no memory of his cries for jail time for the unindicted Democrat Hillary Clinton, saying “she broke the law.”

Mike Lawler’s rhetoric on the Trump conviction speaks for itself. He voted for Trump in both elections and the recent primary. His newsletters cite his bipartisan stance on all sorts of issues, but be sure, if Lawler is re-elected on Nov. 5, he will vote in lock-step with the MAGA Republican Party.  He will vote to ban abortion nationwide; he will vote for reductions in Social Security and Medicare; he will vote to repeal background checks for guns.

I will gladly vote for President Biden and Mondaire Jones. I will vote to sustain our rule of law, ensure our reproductive rights, uphold people’s rights to Social Security and Medicare and stem gun violence.

Sara Campbell

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